5m Digital Publishing Apps

El Sitio Avicola 1.3
Oferta informativa de alta calidad para laindustria avícola internacional para Android.* Noticias de última hora de la industria* Contenido internacional exclusivo* Información sobre eventos de todas partes del mundo* Fácil de usar* Acceso sin conexión* Búsqueda de artículos guardados* Calendario de eventos integrado* FavoritosLas últimas noticias y análisis sobre avicultura.--------------------Para celebrar el lanzamiento de ElSitioAvicola.com, 5m, la compañíaeditorial detrás del internacionalmente reconocido sitio webThePoultrySite.com, ha desarrollado la aplicación gratuita delsitio web El Sitio Avícola.Ahora puede acceder a través de su teléfono a las últimasnoticias internacionales sobre avicultura, a artículos enprofundidad sobre distintos temas, a detalles de eventos y a muchomás.Manténgase al día--------------------Nuestro puntero equipo de redacción facilita un acceso sencillo yesencial a los sucesos mundiales que afectan a su negocio y a laindustria.Disponibilidad sin conexión que se traduce en acceso a lasnoticias esté dónde esté.Cuando inicia la aplicación de ElSitioAvicola, se descargan yguardan automáticamente las noticias nuevas en su teléfono. Lo quequiere decir que puede leerlas cuando le venga mejor y no solo, porejemplo, cuando tenga conexión en su teléfono o se conecte a unaseñal wifi.* Contenidos exclusivos de la industria--------------------Nuestro exclusivo equipo de redacción provee cobertura en tiemporeal y analiza las noticias de la industria más importantes,incluyendo reportes gubernamentales clave.Vista desde la redacción--------------------Las noticias aparecen según se publican. Puede elegir entre verlascomo un flujo continuo o verlas filtradas por categorías.Rápida y sencilla--------------------La aplicación de ElSitioAvicola se ha diseñado teniendo en mente alos usuarios: una única vista de la interfaz que mantiene elenfoque en el contenido. Fácilmente puede ver las novedades, lo queya ha leído y sus favoritos.Favoritos--------------------Guarde indefinidamente sus artículos favoritos para volver aacceder a ellos rápidamente. Por ejemplo, un informe de rendimientoanual o el perfil de una empresa.Integración de los eventos en el calendario de su Android--------------------Seleccione eventos como "favoritos" y automáticamente estaránvisibles en su calendario. Esto se traduce en que también recibirálas notificaciones asociadas al calendario aunque no esté usando laaplicación de ElSitioAvicola.Opciones internacionales--------------------Adapte la suscripción a las noticias por región o reciba una visiónmundial de noticias de cualquier parte del mundo.Próximamente, más categorías para noticias y artículos.Gracias por su contribución y continuo apoyo,ElSitioAvicola.com.
The Meat Site 1.3
Android's premium news provider for theinternational meat industry* Breaking industry and futures market news* Exclusive international content* Event information from around the world* Easy to use* Offline Access* Search Stored Articles* Integrated events calendar* Favourite ItemsAll the latest meat news and insight as it appears--------------------To celebrate the launch of TheMeatSite.com, 5m, the publishingcompany behind the internationally recognised ThePigSite.com, havedeveloped the free meat Site App.Now you can get the latest international meat news, in-depthfeature articles, event details and more delivered direct to yourmobile device.Keep informed--------------------Our leading meat news desk provides easy and essential access tothe global events that affect your business and industry.Offline availability means access to news where ever youare.When you open the TheMeatSite app it automatically downloads andstores new items. Meaning you can read them at your convenience,not for example, only when you have a mobile or wifi signal.Exclusive industry content--------------------Our editorial team provides real-time industry coverage of not onlyevents, but key government reports and Chicago Mercantile Exchangefutures market commentary and analysis.News Desk View--------------------Items appear as they are published. You can choose to view as acontinuous stream or category filtered.Fast and simple--------------------TheMeatSite app has been designed with the user in mind - a singleview interface keeps focus on the content. You can easily seewhat's new, what you've read and what you've added to yourfavourites.Favourites--------------------Favourite articles for a swift return and to save indefinitely. Forexample an annual performance report or a company profile.Events integration with your Android calendar--------------------Favourite events and they will automatically be made visible onyour calendar. This means you'll also receive associated calendarnotifications outside ThemeatSite app.International Settings--------------------Customise your news subscription by territory or for a total viewget news from across the globe.More item categories and features to come.Thanks to all for their contribution and continued support —TheMeatSite.com
The Sheep Site 1.3
Androids premium news provider for theinternational sheep industry* Breaking industry and futures market news* Exclusive international content* Event information from around the world* Easy to use* Offline Access* Search Stored Articles* Integrated events calendar* Favourite ItemsAll the latest sheep news and insight as it appears--------------------To celebrate the launch of TheSheepSite.com, 5m, the publishingcompany behind the internationally recognised ThePigSite.com, havedeveloped the free Sheep Site App.Now you can get the latest international sheep news, in-depthfeature articles, event details and more delivered direct to yourmobile device.Keep informed--------------------Our leading sheep news desk provides easy and essential access tothe global events that affect your business and industry.Offline availability means access to news where ever youare.When you open the TheSheepSite app it automatically downloads andstores new items. Meaning you can read them at your convenience,not for example, only when you have a mobile or wifi signal.Exclusive industry content--------------------Our editorial team provides real-time industry coverage of not onlyevents, but key government reports and Chicago Mercantile Exchangefutures market commentary and analysis.News Desk View--------------------Items appear as they are published. You can choose to view as acontinuous stream or category filtered.Fast and simple--------------------TheSheepSite app has been designed with the user in mind - a singleview interface keeps focus on the content. You can easily seewhat's new, what you've read and what you've added to yourfavourites.Favourites--------------------Favourite articles for a swift return and to save indefinitely. Forexample an annual performance report or a company profile.Events integration with your Android calendar--------------------Favourite events and they will automatically be made visible onyour calendar. This means you'll also receive associated calendarnotifications outside TheSheepSite app.International Settings--------------------Customise your news subscription by territory or for a total viewget news from across the globe.More item categories and features to come.Thanks to all for their contribution and continued support —TheSheepSite.com
DeLaval - Каталог 2014 1.0.0
Каталог по сопутствующим товарамкомпанииДеЛавальМолочные фильтры, моющие и дезинфицирующие средства, товары дляферми комфортного содержания коров2014.Directory relatedproductsDeLavalMilk filters, detergents, disinfectants, everything forcomfortablecontent farms and cows2014.
The Beef Site 1.3
Androids premium news provider fortheinternational beef industry* Breaking industry and futures market news* Exclusive international content* Event information from around the world* Easy to use* Offline Access* Search Stored Articles* Integrated events calendar* Favourite ItemsAll the latest beef news and insight as it appears--------------------To celebrate the launch of TheBeefSite.com, 5m, thepublishingcompany behind the internationally recognisedThePigSite.com, havedeveloped the free Beef Site App.Now you can get the latest international beef news,in-depthfeature articles, event details and more delivered directto yourmobile device.Keep informed--------------------Our leading beef news desk provides easy and essential access totheglobal events that affect your business and industry.Offline availability means access to news where everyouare.When you open the TheBeefSite app it automatically downloadsandstores new items. Meaning you can read them at yourconvenience,not for example, only when you have a mobile or wifisignal.Exclusive industry content--------------------Our editorial team provides real-time industry coverage of notonlyevents, but key government reports and Chicago MercantileExchangefutures market commentary and analysis.News Desk View--------------------Items appear as they are published. You can choose to view asacontinuous stream or category filtered.Fast and simple--------------------TheBeefSite app has been designed with the user in mind - asingleview interface keeps focus on the content. You can easilyseewhat's new, what you've read and what you've added toyourfavourites.Favourites--------------------Favourite articles for a swift return and to save indefinitely.Forexample an annual performance report or a company profile.Events integration with your Android calendar--------------------Favourite events and they will automatically be made visible onyourcalendar. This means you'll also receive associatedcalendarnotifications outside TheBeefSite app.International Settings--------------------Customise your news subscription by territory or for a totalviewget news from across the globe.More item categories and features to come.Thanks to all for their contribution and continued support—TheBeefSite.com
The Fish Site 1.3
Android's premium news provider fortheinternational fish industry* Breaking industry and futures market news* Exclusive international content* Event information from around the world* Easy to use* Offline Access* Search Stored Articles* Integrated events calendar* Favourite ItemsAll the latest fish news and insight as it appears--------------------To celebrate the launch of TheFishSite.com, 5m, thepublishingcompany behind the internationally recognisedThePigSite.com, hasdeveloped the free Fish Site App.Now you can get the latest international fish news,in-depthfeature articles, event details and more delivered directto yourmobile device.Keep informed--------------------Our leading fish news desk provides easy and essential access totheglobal events that affect your business and industry.Offline availability means access to news where everyouare.When you open the TheFishSite app it automatically downloadsandstores new items. Meaning you can read them at yourconvenience,not for example, only when you have a mobile or wifisignal.Exclusive industry content--------------------Our editorial team provides real-time industry coverage of notonlyevents, but key government reports and market commentaryandanalysis.News Desk View--------------------Items appear as they are published. You can choose to view asacontinuous stream or category filtered.Fast and simple--------------------TheFishSite app has been designed with the user in mind - asingleview interface keeps focus on the content. You can easilyseewhat's new, what you've read and what you've added toyourfavourites.Favourites--------------------Favourite articles for a swift return and to save indefinitely.Forexample an annual performance report or a company profile.Events integration with your Android calendar--------------------Favourite events and they will automatically be made visible onyourcalendar. This means you'll also receive associatedcalendarnotifications outside TheFishSite app.International Settings--------------------Customise your news subscription by territory or for a totalviewget news from across the globe.More item categories and features to come.Thanks to all for their contribution and continued support—TheFishSite.com
The Poultry Site 1.3
Androids premium news provider fortheinternational poultry industry* Breaking industry and futures market news* Exclusive international content* Event information from around the world* Easy to use* Offline Access* Search Stored Articles* Integrated events calendar* Favourite ItemsAll the latest poultry news and insight as it appears--------------------To celebrate the launch of ThePoultrySite.com, 5m, thepublishingcompany behind the internationally recognisedThePigSite.com, havedeveloped the free Poultry Site App.Now you can get the latest international poultry news,in-depthfeature articles, event details and more delivered directto yourmobile device.Keep informed--------------------Our leading poultry news desk provides easy and essential accesstothe global events that affect your business and industry.Offline availability means access to news where everyouare.When you open the ThePoultrySite app it automatically downloadsandstores new items. Meaning you can read them at yourconvenience,not for example, only when you have a mobile or wifisignal.Exclusive industry content--------------------Our editorial team provides real-time industry coverage of notonlyevents, but key government reports and Chicago MercantileExchangefutures market commentary and analysis.News Desk View--------------------Items appear as they are published. You can choose to view asacontinuous stream or category filtered.Fast and simple--------------------ThePoultrySite app has been designed with the user in mind -asingle view interface keeps focus on the content. You caneasilysee what's new, what you've read and what you've added toyourfavourites.Favourites--------------------Favourite articles for a swift return and to save indefinitely.Forexample an annual performance report or a company profile.Events integration with your iPhone calendar--------------------Favourite events and they will automatically be made visible onyourcalendar. This means you'll also receive associatedcalendarnotifications outside ThePoultrySite app.International Settings--------------------Customise your news subscription by territory or for a totalviewget news from across the globe.More item categories and features to come.Thanks to all for their contribution and continued support—ThePoultrySite.com
The Dairy Site 1.3
Android's premium news provider fortheinternational dairy industry* Breaking industry and futures market news* Exclusive international content* Event information from around the world* Easy to use* Offline Access* Search Stored Articles* Integrated events calendar* Favourite ItemsAll the latest dairy news and insight as it appears--------------------To celebrate the launch of TheDairySite.com, 5m, thepublishingcompany behind the internationally recognisedThePigSite.com, havedeveloped the free dairy Site App.Now you can get the latest international dairy news,in-depthfeature articles, event details and more delivered directto yourmobile device.Keep informed--------------------Our leading dairy news desk provides easy and essential accesstothe global events that affect your business and industry.Offline availability means access to news where everyouare.When you open the TheDairySite app it automatically downloadsandstores new items. Meaning you can read them at yourconvenience,not for example, only when you have a mobile or wifisignal.Exclusive industry content--------------------Our editorial team provides real-time industry coverage of notonlyevents, but key government reports and Chicago MercantileExchangefutures market commentary and analysis.News Desk View--------------------Items appear as they are published. You can choose to view asacontinuous stream or category filtered.Fast and simple--------------------TheDairySite app has been designed with the user in mind - asingleview interface keeps focus on the content. You can easilyseewhat's new, what you've read and what you've added toyourfavourites.Favourites--------------------Favourite articles for a swift return and to save indefinitely.Forexample an annual performance report or a company profile.Events integration with your Android calendar--------------------Favourite events and they will automatically be made visible onyourcalendar. This means you'll also receive associatedcalendarnotifications outside TheDairySite app.International Settings--------------------Customise your news subscription by territory or for a totalviewget news from across the globe.More item categories and features to come.Thanks to all for their contribution and continued support—TheDairySite.com
The Cattle Site 1.3
Androids premium news provider fortheinternational cattle industry* Breaking industry and futures market news* Exclusive international content* Event information from around the world* Easy to use* Offline Access* Search Stored Articles* Integrated events calendar* Favourite ItemsAll the latest cattle news and insight as it appears--------------------To celebrate the launch of TheCattleSite.com, 5m, thepublishingcompany behind the internationally recognisedThePigSite.com, havedeveloped the free cattle Site App.Now you can get the latest international cattle news,in-depthfeature articles, event details and more delivered directto yourmobile device.Keep informed--------------------Our leading cattle news desk provides easy and essential accesstothe global events that affect your business and industry.Offline availability means access to news where everyouare.When you open the TheCattleSite app it automatically downloadsandstores new items. Meaning you can read them at yourconvenience,not for example, only when you have a mobile or wifisignal.Exclusive industry content--------------------Our editorial team provides real-time industry coverage of notonlyevents, but key government reports and Chicago MercantileExchangefutures market commentary and analysis.News Desk View--------------------Items appear as they are published. You can choose to view asacontinuous stream or category filtered.Fast and simple--------------------TheCattleSite app has been designed with the user in mind - asingleview interface keeps focus on the content. You can easilysee what'snew, what you've read and what you've added to yourfavourites.Favourites--------------------Favourite articles for a swift return and to save indefinitely.Forexample an annual performance report or a company profile.Events integration with your Android calendar--------------------Favourite events and they will automatically be made visible onyourcalendar. This means you'll also receive associatedcalendarnotifications outside TheCattleSite app.International Settings--------------------Customise your news subscription by territory or for a totalviewget news from across the globe.More item categories and features to come.Thanks to all for their contribution and continued support—TheCattleSite.com
The Pig Site 1.3
Android's premium news provider fortheinternational pig industry* Breaking industry and futures market news* Exclusive international content* Event information from around the world* Easy to use* Offline Access* Search Stored Articles* Integrated events calendar* Favourite ItemsAll the latest pig news and insight as it appears--------------------To celebrate the launch of ThePigSite.com, 5m, thepublishingcompany behind the internationally recognisedThePoultrySite.com,has developed the free Pig Site App.Now you can get the latest international Pig news, in-depthfeaturearticles, event details and more delivered direct to yourmobiledevice.Keep informed--------------------Our leading pig news desk provides easy and essential access totheglobal events that affect your business and industry.Offline availability means access to news where ever you are.When you open the ThePigSite app it automatically downloadsandstores new items. Meaning you can read them at yourconvenience,not for example, only when you have a mobile or wifisignal.Exclusive industry content--------------------Our editorial team provides real-time industry coverage of notonlyevents, but key government reports and market commentaryandanalysis.News Desk View--------------------Items appear as they are published. You can choose to view asacontinuous stream or category filtered.Fast and simple--------------------ThePigSite app has been designed with the user in mind - asingleview interface keeps focus on the content. You can easilyseewhat's new, what you've read and what you've added toyourfavourites.Favourites--------------------Favourite articles for a swift return and to save indefinitely.Forexample an annual performance report or a company profile.Events integration with your Android calendar--------------------Favourite events and they will automatically be made visible onyourcalendar. This means you'll also receive associatedcalendarnotifications outside ThePigSite app.International Settings--------------------Customise your news subscription by territory or for a totalviewget news from across the globe.More item categories and features to come.Thanks to all for their contribution and continued support—ThePigSite.com
The Crop Site 1.3
Androids premium news provider fortheinternational crop and agricultural industry* Breaking industry and futures market news* Exclusive international content* Event information from around the world* Easy to use* Offline Access* Search Stored Articles* Integrated events calendar* Favourite ItemsAll the latest crop news and insight as it appears--------------------To celebrate the launch of TheCropSite.com, 5m, thepublishingcompany behind the internationally recognisedThePigSite.com, havedeveloped the free CropSite App.Now you can get the latest international crop news, in-depthfeaturearticles, event details and more delivered direct to yourmobiledevice.Keep informed--------------------Our leading crop and agricultural news desk provides easyandessential access to the global events that affect your businessandindustry.Offline availability means access to news where ever you are.When you open the TheCropSite app it automatically downloadsandstores new items. Meaning you can read them at yourconvenience,not for example, only when you have a mobile or wifisignal.Exclusive industry content--------------------Our editorial team provides real-time industry coverage of notonlyevents, but key government reports and Chicago MercantileExchangefutures market commentary and analysis.News Desk View--------------------Items appear as they are published. You can choose to view asacontinuous stream or category filtered.Fast and simple--------------------TheCropSite app has been designed with the user in mind - asingleview interface keeps focus on the content. You can easilyseewhat's new, what you've read and what you've added toyourfavourites.Favourites--------------------Favourite articles for a swift return and to save indefinitely.Forexample an annual performance report or a company profile.Events integration with your Android calendar--------------------Favourite events and they will automatically be made visible onyourcalendar. This means you'll also receive associatedcalendarnotifications outside TheCropSite app.International Settings--------------------Customise your news subscription by territory or for a totalviewget news from across the globe.More item categories and features to come.Thanks to all for their contribution and continued support—TheCropSite.com